Cherokee Youth Center &

Cherokee Teen Club

Parent Handbook 2025

 “The Positive Place for Kids”


Mission Statement:


“To enable all young people, especially those who need us most to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.”




The Youth Development Strategy


Boys & Girls Clubs programs promote the development of young people by instilling a sense of competence, a sense of usefulness, a sense of belonging and a sense of power or influence.


When this strategy is fully implemented, self-esteem is enhanced, and an environment is created which helps boys and girls achieve their full potential.

Dear Parents,

Thank you for your interest in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee (B&GCC). Fill out the attached application and return it to the Club with the annual membership fee.

Applications and Fees – After-School

At the beginning of each year, you will need to update your child’s application and pay the membership fee of $40.00 regardless of when your child enrolled. We must keep updated information on the children in case of emergencies so please notify the center if telephone numbers or places of employment change. In order for your child’s application to be considered complete everything must be filled out and signed and all fees paid in full. Applications will be marked complete or incomplete by a CYC staff member, incomplete applications will be returned to parent and/or guardian to be completed 

Children with Special Needs

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee Staff is not trained nor is the facility equipped to serve most children with special needs. Prior to child’s first day at the center, parents must meet with a staff member to develop a plan for the child. Each child will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if we can meet that child’s needs. After 30 days a meeting will be scheduled with the parents to discuss options.


Changes to Contacts & Pick-Up lists

Please notify us if someone needs to be added or deleted from your child’s pick-up list.   All pick – up lists must be updated every three (3) months or sooner if any changes. Please send a note if someone picks your child up that is not on your list. The B&GCC Staff will check contact numbers two times per year, if they cannot contact anyone on your contact list, you will be fined $50.00, and your child will not be allowed to return to the center until numbers are updated and fine is paid. Then the proper authority will be notified. B&GCC will not be responsible for any occurrences that may occur due to lack of updated information or updated contact information.

Custody and Court Documents

We will honor and follow the request of the most recent court approved documentation, which we have on file. If custody or arrangements change it is the responsibility of the child’s primary custodian to inform the B&GCC management team and give them a copy of any new documentation.


Report Cards

You are required to provide a copy of each report card throughout the school year. These aides us in receiving grant monies for our prevention and Power Hour programs, this also helps us track the success of our kids and see the impact that we make on your children, and where we may need to concentrate our resources.   All report cards must be turned in within 10 business days after they are sent out.

Attendance Policy

If your child is absent from attending CYC for 10 consecutive business days without notification of a return date, your child will be considered inactive and moved to waiting list, and their spot will be filled with the next child on waiting list. There will be an additional $20.00 fee to put your child back on the active list.

School Closings, Early Dismissals, Administrative Leave, and Inclement Weather


Arrival Time - Full Day The B&GCC is open on teacher workdays and early dismissal days for Cherokee Central Schools, Kituwah Academy, Jackson, Swain and Graham County Public Schools. If Cherokee Schools are closed due to snow or ice, we will be closed unless Tribe is on a 2hr delay. If Tribe is on a 2hr delay, then the CYC will open at 9:30. The Tribe will follow the Cherokee Centrals School inclement weather unless otherwise noted, or administrative leave is granted by the Chief. BGCC reserves the right to open at a later time if roads are unsafe for CYC staff. It is parents' responsibility to call to see when we are open on snow days and/or during any other questionable day, Tribal Inclement Weather Line phone number is 497-7047 or 359-7047. Children must bring their lunch on those days. We ask that you send lunch with your child or bring them lunch by 12:15 noon, please do not send money for lunch. We do have drink machines in the centers; we ask that no drinks be purchased until lunchtime. No outside drinks are allowed in the building.

Days when Schools are closed, we will do our best to open at 7:30am, but no later than 7:45am for children. We ask that you feed your child breakfast and send a lunch with him/her. We will provide an afternoon snack.

In the event that administrative leave is granted by the Chief due to inclement weather, you will have 30 minutes to pick up you children or make arrangements to have your children picked up. After this time, you will be assessed a $50.00 fine payable before your child may return to the B&GCC. If we are unable to make contact with you or your emergency contacts within this 30-minute window, we will call the proper authorities to make sure your child is taken to safety.


Full Day Programming Arrival Time

We ask that all club kids be checked in by at least 8:30am and ready for that day’s programming to begin. If you know that you will be later than 8:30am we ask you call the center before 8:30am to inform us of expected arrival time. Our programming begins at this time and at times we will be transporting kids to other locations and do not have the staff available to leave them behind to wait on late comers. If arriving after 8:30am you must walk your child inside the building and sign them in. As your child’s group may be off the facility grounds, and we may not have a way to get your child to them until they return.


Late Fees

All Boy & Girls Clubs of Cherokee implement a 3 step late pick up policy. 1st step - There is a $2.00 late fee per Child for every minute (60 seconds) you are late picking up your child, beginning at one minute after the hour. 2nd step – If you are late a second time during the school year or during the summer program, there is a $4.00 late fee per child for every minute (60 seconds) you are late picking up your child. 3rd step – If there is a third occurrence of being late picking up your child(ren) there will be a flat $100.00 late fee per child, that will have to be paid in full before your child will be allowed to return to the club. For every late pick up after the 3rd offense will be $100.00 flat fee per child. If this tardiness becomes habitual, we will be forced to expel your child(ren) from the B&GCC program. The clock at the front desk is used to determine late fees. The number of late pick-ups will be kept through the school year and wiped clean and start over for the summer program. All fees accumulated during the school year will need to be paid before attending the summer program. After the Summer Program the number of late pick-ups will be wiped clean and start over fresh again with each new school year. All fees accumulated during the summer program will need to be paid before attending the new school year. If you know you are going to be late, please call us before closing time and we will do our best to work with you, if it does not turn into a habit. In the event that administrative leave is granted by the chief due to inclement weather, you will have 30 minutes to pick up your children or make arrangements to have your children picked up. After this time, you will be assessed a $50.00 fine payable before your child may return to the B&GCC. If we are unable to make contact with you or your emergency contacts within this 30-minute window, we will call the proper authorities to make sure your child is taken to safety.


Signing Out/Signing In

All Parents/Guardians must sign out each child that they are picking up each day, and no one under the age of 18 can sign another child out of the B&GCC. All Parents/Guardians and visitors are required to stop at the front desk and sign the visitor sign in log. For safety reasons all visitors will require a B&GCC staff member or volunteer to escort them throughout the facility while visiting the B&GCC facilities. This is to ensure the safety of all club members, staff and volunteers. Parents/Guardians and visitors are prohibited to harass or attempt to intimidate club members staff, or volunteers while visiting or picking up their child(ren). If you or a family member are disrespectful, threatening, or disruptive toward the staff, then this will result in being banned for thirty (30) days. If this continues to happen, then legal action will be taken.

Teens Signing Themselves Out

Any Teen who is over the age of 16 and has permission to sign themselves out and states they will be leaving the CYC/Teen Center building will be escorted out of the building by the Teen Center Youth Development Professional-YDP. For Safety reasons the Teen must leave the building; they will not be allowed to hang out on the premises, after they have signed themselves out. Teen members will be allowed to sign themselves out for a short period of time (30 minutes) to go to the store or to buy their lunch then return back to the Teen Center. If the Teen member is still present at the CYC/Teen Center during Monday or Thursday or Saturday clubs, they will have the option to participate with a club or they must leave the building. If at any time the YDP suspects the Teen member is abusing their privilege to sign themselves out of the CYC/Teen Center, the Teen members Parent/Guardian will be contacted. This Policy has been put into effect to ensure the safety of both the Teens and other Club members. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Orientations will be scheduled for all members’ parents/guardians.  We look forward to working with you and your family.           

Thank You                                                                                                                               


Discipline Policy:

Attached is your copy of our discipline policy. Please keep the policy for your records. We do enforce the policy and need your support. We support the Cherokee Central Schools both Public and Private Schools discipline policies also, if a child is in out of school due to suspension, they may not attend the Club on those same days. We also enforce the same dress code for the students. If a student wears something that is considered inappropriate or offensive by a staff member they will be asked to change, if they refuse, they will be sent home.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee

Discipline Procedures




  • Cursing
  • Yelling
  • Teasing
  • Not keeping hands to self
  • Non-sexual harassment of any kind
  • Picking on others
  • Stealing


1st Offense – Warning/Time Out and/or light cleaning duties: cleaning tables, chairs, sweeping, etc.

2nd Offense - Contact Parents, quiet time for remainder of the day

3rd Offense - Suspension for One (1) day

4th Offense - Suspension for Three (3) days and re-entry fee of $50.00

5th Offense - Suspension for Five (5) days and re-entry fee of $100.00




  • Verbal Bullying of any kind
  • Cyber Bullying of any kind
  • Spreading gossip about others
  • Talking back to staff
  • Spitting
  • Insubordination- not following the reasonable direction of a staff member
  • Being out of classroom or designated area without a pass


1st Offense - Contact Parents, quiet time and cleaning duties: cleaning tables, chairs, sweeping, etc.

2nd Offense - Suspension for One (1) day

3rd Offense - Suspension for Three (3) days and re-entry fee of $50.00

4th Offense - Suspension for Five (5) days and re-entry fee of $100.00




  • Fighting
  • Excessive teasing
  • Inappropriate touching of any kind
  • Pushing, Tripping, or hitting another person with the intent of causing harm
  • Throwing anything at another person with the intent of causing harm
  • Making threats of causing harm to another person


1st Offense – Contact Parents immediately: Suspension for remainder of Day and one (1) full day

2nd Offense- Three (3) day suspension with re-entry fee of $50.00

3rd Offense – Expulsion for a period of time (at discretion of Management Team) and a re-entry fee of $100.00





  • Possession and/or use of tobacco products
  • Possession and/or use of any type of illegal drugs
  • Possession and/or use of any type of prescription drugs without a valid prescription
  • Possession and/or use of any type of alcohol
  • Leaving CYC/SYC/TEEN Club grounds without permission and/or being signed out
  • Possession or any type of weapon – gun, knife, explosive, etc…
  • Causing an injury to another person
  • Damaging, Breaking, Stealing and/or Wasting CYC/SYC/TEEN Club supplies and/or equipment


1st Offense – Contact Parents immediately: Suspension for remainder of Day and Three (3) day suspension with

 re-entry fee of $50.00

2nd Offense – Expulsion for a period of time (at discretion of Management Team) and a re-entry fee of $100.00

3rd Offense – Immediate expulsion from the CYC/SYC/TEEN Club program.


We reserve the right to skip any offense, depending on the severity of the act. Depending on severity of offense we may contact outside authorities.


Re-entry requirements for any offense will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the B&GCC Management Team. These can include re-entry fees, B&GCC training, parent conferences, professional referrals and costs of repair and/or replacement of damaged property. Re-entry fees must be paid before club member may return.


* The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee is a place, or children can come to feel safe, where they are not vulnerable to the carelessness of others. Please discuss this discipline policy with your child/children.  We reserve the right to skip the 1st and 2nd offense, depending on the severity of the act. Depending on severity of offense we may contact outside authorities.


Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________Date: ______________



Club Member: ____________________________________________________Date: _____________

For B&GCC Staff use only: Check disciplinary: Level of Offense # ________



 B&GC of Cherokee Staff: CODE OF CONDUCT

Since every action has a reaction (positive or negative), club members must accept the responsibility for their actions. Members will not engage in any action that interferes with their right to participate in center activities. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee Staff will handle behavior management of center activities; the appropriate Supervisors and/or Center Manager will handle chronic misbehaviors. The B&GCC staff will always be as fair as possible while dealing with any discipline problem.


It is the policy of the B&GCC to be consistent with the Cherokee Central Schools and the Public Schools discipline policies. Therefore, no member will be allowed in the center or on center property during out-of-school suspension or expulsion. The B&GCC will also support the schools during suspension of student privileges.


1. It is the right of the B&GCC to suspend or expel a child from the Boys & Girls Club. A parent/guardian will be notified when suspension is finalized.


2. We will not physically or verbally assault any member, nor will we be subject to physical or verbal abuse.


3. Staff members will not be in direct contact with any club members on social media. All contact will be made at the club or through the club members parents/guardians.


4. Staff will not post any names or pictures of club members on their personal social media, without written permission from the club members parents/guardians.


5. It is the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee policy to use an isolation method, meaning, we will pull your child aside when dealing with discipline problems while the child is at the center. 


6. We will Investigate and discuss all problems in order to come to a sound conclusion of the problem.


7. Conferences will be held with parents when necessary.


8. Suspension can be given to members as a result of any type of discipline problems.


9. The B&GCC Staff’s decision will be final.


10. We ask that all parents support our efforts in teaching children good behavior skills and social interaction.


11. If our Discipline Policies do not work with a child, we will ask the parents to remove the child from the Center.


12. Sexual Harassment, Inappropriate touching and/or Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.


13. At no time will a child be left alone, unattended or without supervision. 


14. We will dress in a uniform and professional manner with Approved CYC/SYC/Teen Club shirts and appropriate pants or shorts.


These policies are important to the success of operating a quality youth organization. We will enforce these policies in order to make the center a positive place for our children.

Depending on severity of incidents the Cherokee Tribal Police Department, Juvenile Services, DSS, or other appropriate service providers may be called for assistance.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee member, and Parent/ Guardian Code of Conduct

1. I will go to a B&GCC supervisor or Manager if I have a concern about a Youth Development professional


2. I will follow the B&GCC policies and the Parent Handbook.


3. If I have any questions or concerns, I will call or meet with the CYC Manager, CYC Unit Supervisor, and/or Teen Unit Supervisor.


4. I will refrain from making derogatory comments or negative gossip against the B&GCC staff and/ or volunteers, this includes posting negative comments on social media, and instead will discuss any and all concerns with the CYC Manager, CYC Unit Supervisor, and/or Teen Unit Supervisor.


5. I will refrain from walking down the B&GCC hallways without authorization and will not ever approach a child other than my own, no exceptions.


6. I understand that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee implements Power Hour a homework-based program that allows Club kids to work on their homework. I also understand that as a parent I am solely responsible for my child’s homework and the monitoring of my child’s homework. I exempt the B&GCC employees and volunteers of any responsibility of my child’s homework completion. * Please speak with your child’s group leader for a schedule of Power Hour days and times.


7. I understand that the B&GCC implements various programs that are designed to encourage my child reach their full potential, as productive, caring, and responsible citizens.


8. I understand that I am responsible for turning in my child’s report card every quarter of the school year.


9. I will support the decisions that the B&GCC make in regard to my child, and if I have a Concern or Question, I will address it to the B&GCC supervisors or Manager.


10. I will inform the CYC staff if any information from their child’s application changes, this includes updating my contact numbers and pickup list whenever there is a change. I will also bring any custody and/or legal paperwork that need to be on file for club member. It is understood that the CYC staff and volunteers will not be responsible for any charges or occurrences that may happen due to lack of updated information.


11. I understand that I must donate 8 hours of volunteer service per calendar year to the Cherokee Youth Center Boys & Girls Club.


12. I understand that the B&GCC staff would like to leave work on time, to be with their own families. So, I will make every effort to pick up, or arrange for my child(ren) to be picked up by closing time, on any given day.


13. I also understand that this code of conduct applies not just to me, but to anyone who is picking up my child(ren) from the B&GCC, no matter if that person has signed below.


14. All participants parties must be civil and respectful to CYC staff while entering and signing out club members. (Actions, language, etc.….)

15. Must go to CCS, SCS, NKA, and SMS websites to get the School Year Calendar Schedule for closing or early dismissals. If any schools are closed, then CYC will be opened from 7:30 – 5:00


I agree to follow the Code of Conduct and I will not verbally or physically abuse, assault, harm or harass any Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee members, staff or volunteers. If any issues arise I will follow the chain of command of the B&GCC to resolve any conflicts and/or Concerns. I also understand that this code of conduct applies not just to me, but to anyone who is picking up my child(ren) from the B&GCC, no matter if that person has signed below.


Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________________  Date: _________________


Mother: ____________________________________________________________  Date: _________________


Father: ____________________________________________________________  Date:__________________


Club Member: ______________________________________________________  Date:__________________


Grandparent: _______________________________________________________  Date: __________________




The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee, because of its nature, is a place where children may be exposed to contagious diseases. In order to reduce the risk of giving an infection to other children, and for your own child’s protection, the following policy has been adopted by the B&GCC:

COVID – 19: You will need to keep your child home if they are showing any of these symptoms,

  • Cough            
  • Fever
  • Sore Throat
  • Fatigue
  • Body Ache
  • Runny Nose
  • Excessive sneezing
  • Allergy/Cold Symptoms
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

·      If showing any of the above symptoms, they must complete a five (5) day quarantine and obtain a negative COVID test and be symptom free (Subject to change.)

Fever: Any child with a temperature greater than 100 degrees should be kept at home until the temperature is below 100 degrees or a note is brought from the child’s doctor stating he/she is not contagious. Should your child arrive at the B&GCC with a temp over 100 degrees you will be contacted to pick your child up as soon as possible.

Vomiting/Diarrhea: Any child who is actively vomiting or having diarrhea (5 or more watery stools per day) should be kept home until vomiting/diarrhea have been stopped for at least 24 hours.

Rash: Since there are many causes of a rash, any child with an undiagnosed rash should be kept home until the rash clears or the child’s doctor writes a note stating they are not contagious. 

Specific Illnesses/Reasons for exclusions:


Strep Throat: If strep throat is diagnosed, the child should be treated with antibiotics. They may return to the center after one full day of antibiotics and their temperature is less than 100 degrees.

Pinkeye (Conjunctivitis): A medical provider should evaluate any child with red, sore eyes. If he/she is found to have pinkeye, he/she should be treated with antibiotic drops and may return to the center after one full day of treatment if the eyes are not actively draining.

Head Lice: Any child found to have head lice and/or nits should not be sent to the center until the day following treatment. We implement a “No Live Bug Policy” all nits must be removed from the hair before the child is readmitted. Proof of Purchase of treatment is required. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for treatment.

Impetigo/skin sores: Any child with open, crusted, weepy sores on the skin should seek medical attention. If the sores are found to be impetigo or another infection, the child should be kept home until he/she has taken antibiotics for 24 hours or brings a statement from their doctor stating they are not contagious. This shall not apply to non-infected cuts, lacerations, or abrasions.


If the B&GCC staff feels that your child has symptoms of any infectious or contagious ailment your child will be placed in a designated area, and you will be contacted promptly.


 * Please see the Child Pick up due to illness, discipline or any other emergency situations policy

These policies are important to the success of operating a quality youth organization. We will enforce these policies in order to make the center a positive place for our children.

Depending on severity of incidents the Cherokee Tribal Police Department, Juvenile Services, DSS, or other appropriate service providers may be called for assistance.



 “No Live Bug Policy”

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee, because of its nature, is a place where children may be exposed to contagious diseases. In order to reduce the risk of spreading infectious or contagious disease to others, and for the protection of your child, the following “No Nit Policy” has been adopted.


Head Lice: Any child found to have head lice should not be sent to the center until the day following treatment and all nits/eggs/bugs are completely removed. We implement a "No Live Bug Policy" so all live bugs must be removed from the hair before the child is readmitted. Each child will need to be accompanied by an adult upon returning. A staff member will recheck the childs head. If the child is not free of live bugs, they will be sent home with an accompanied adult. They will not be able to ride the bus to the Youth Center at this time.


We will have head checks at least once each month. If your child is found to have lice and/or nits you will be contacted to pick them up immediately.  Please keep your emergency contacts and pick up information updated. You are required to show proof of purchase of treatment by turning in the box top and/or receipt after treating your child’s head.


We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause however it will be strictly enforced.

These policies are important to the success of operating a quality youth organization. We will enforce these policies in order to make the center a positive place for our children.

Depending on severity of incidents the Cherokee Tribal Police Department, Juvenile Services, DSS, or other appropriate service providers may be called for assistance.



    Stolen/Lost Property

The B&GCC Staff and Volunteers are not responsible for any lost/stolen personal items brought into the facilities. Parents, please encourage your child(ren) to refrain from bringing expensive toys, games, gifts and/or money.




School Year - Lunch Fee Policy

At 12:15pm each child that doesn’t have lunch will be given a lunch provided by the B&GCC and parents and guardians will be charged $10.00 for each lunch provided. Lunch begins at 12:00 noon for all club kids. Calls will not be accepted regarding late lunches. No exceptions.

Summer – Lunch Fee Policy

During the Summer Sessions of the CYC, Lunch times will be from 12:00 – 12:45 for all club members. Therefore, lunch should be provided by 12:15. If your child does not have lunch by 12:15, then CYC Staff will provide lunch for them, and the parent will be charged a $10.00 Lunch Fee. This must be paid within 10 business days.


Child Pick up due to illness, discipline or any other emergency situations policy

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee reserves the right to charge a re-entry fee to parents who do not pick their child up in a timely manner when they are called from the B&GCC due to illness, discipline procedures and/or other situations when a child needs to be picked up promptly. A thirty (30) minute grace period will be given. No exceptions. This includes not getting answers from primary contact person or emergency contacts.

 Re-entry fee will be $50.00 for each situation.




Specialty Clubs

As of right now (2025) the Cherokee Youth Centers operational hours are 7:30 – 5:00

Club members will need to be here by 8:30 and no later and picked up by 4:45. CYC will be closed on all Admin/Holidays.


Cherokee Youth Center and Teen Club: (Subject to change)

Afterschool days and hours: FY25/26 School Year (August-May)

Monday – 2:30pm to 5:00pm

Tuesday – 2:30pm to 5:00pm

Wednesday – 2:30pm to 5:00pm

Thursday – 2:30pm to 5:00pm

Friday – 2:30pm to 5:00pm


2024 Annual Fee: $40.00 for each club kid

If any schools are closed the Cherokee Youth Center will open at 7:30 and close at 5:00

Summer Program Days and Hours: (Subject to change)

Monday - 7:30am to 5:00pm

Tuesday - 7:30am to 5:00pm

Wednesday - 7:30am to 5:00pm

Thursday - 7:30am to 5:00pm

Friday – 7:30am to 5:00pm

2025 Summer Fees: $250.00 for each club kid. There will be no sibling discount this year.

All payments are to be made at the Cherokee Youth Center. (Cash or check only) Please make checks payable to: Cherokee Youth Center

*Hours will change periodically due to weather, school closing, early release, etc. We will make every effort to notify you of those changes, but it is your responsibility to read posted time changes!


We will be open to children on all School Workdays, early release days, breaks, etc. However, we will close for Tribal Holidays and Admin. Days or Inclement Weather announcements.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee is a Tribal Program. When the Executive Office grants administrative leave for inclement weather, or other approved leave the B&GCC will close at those times as well.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Cherokee

Matt Hollifield – Manager -359-6279

Stephanie French – CYC Unit Supervisor -359-6276

Natasha Junaluska – Teen Club Unit Supervisor – 359-6277

Sierra Davis - Administrative Assistant -359-6282

Zachary Chekelelee – Snowbird Unit Supervisor -346-6985

PO Box 455

1501 Acquoni Rd.

Cherokee, NC 28719


(828) 359-8113 CYC

FAX: (828) 497-4699

(828) 346-6900 SYC

Facebook: Cherokee Youth Center BGCA


2025 Club Member Application
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